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Business Of Being A Artist (E-Book) + Bonus Calculators

30 Min Legacy Call Via Zoom W/ Courtney Benjamin

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After more than a decade in the music industry I received my first ever ASCAP checks after I applied the knowledge I acquired from Benjamin Entertainment Academy. I’ll always be grateful

J.R. Lemon

Working with Benjamin Entertainment Academy these pass years has been a true blessing
From all of the hard work an dedication put in to wanting to see the artist win, from the X amount of wisdom giving to empower artist to be the best that they can be not only independently, but when working on a major status as well.

Swift McVay

Courtney Benjamin set me up early to be in position to acquire great wealth, prestige tide to generational wealth for my children’s children. One of the best things I ever did was humble myself to except the fact that tho I may have been great in other areas of my life and great as a rap artist however I was ignorant about the business side of hip hop and there was a whole entity of the knowledge and principles help I needed to achieve my dream of being a Independent Record Label .

Pastor Mo

Benjamin Entertainment Academy

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